Joshua Takes a Trip to the Monaco GP in Brotherwood Multipla

"I recently received your newsletter with your report on your Goodwood Hill Climb, something that particularly interested my son, because he is a big fan of motorsport in general and Goodwood in particular."

"Last year we bought a Fiat Multipla from you so that we could continue to take my son away when he started to use his new wheelchair. Since then we have been on a number of trips within the UK, using the Multipla whenever Joshua thought he would like his most flexible powerchair. Finally in May i decided to undertake the marathon drive to Monaco for the GP. The journey there and back went smoothly, and the Multipla did not let us down. Being able to watch the GP in a wheelchair with a rising seat was a great advantage for Josh – he even had the privilege of meeting Prince Albert and Princess Charlene. Next we are planning a trip to Monza . . ."

"When we actually bought the Multipla i came down to Dorset to collect it from you. I was particularly struck by the dedication of your team in their efforts to overcome the obstacles faced by disabled people, and to improve their quality of life. This little story is just one illustration of how you are achieving that every day."

We’re looking forward to hearing more of Josh’s travels! We are very grateful for all of your letters and emails telling us about the adventures you complete with your Brotherwood WAVs. Keep them coming in!